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Monday, May 19, 2008

New Yard

I am excited to have a new yard. It is the first yard that is actually ours! We can do whatever we want with it! There is even a ready-to-plant (once we weed!) vegetable garden!

My first plans are to plant a few melon seeds, since not much else would do that well by the time we get there and I'm pregnant and don't have a lot of energy.

Then, I'm going to start keeping track of the light in my yard. Since I haven't lived there, yet, I don't know where the shade falls and for how long. I want to create a map and pay attention to the light each area receives. Then, next season, or maybe in the fall if I can afford it, we can start planting some things and hopefully have good luck with them, since we'll plant them in spots that are good for them.

Now that I think of it, I should pay attention to how wet/dry things get as well.

1 comment:

The Chicken Lady said...

Congratulations! One of the great attractions of the farm we bought was the "ready-to-go, free-weeds-included" plot for the veggie garden... I share your joy and wish you all the best in your garden endeavors!