Please ask any questions you may have about plants, in the comments of any post or by email. I love to help people to be better gardeners. If I don't know the answer, I have lots of great resources to find it and I love to learn new things, too!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

It's Spring!!!!

Or at least it is getting there!

I'm so excited to get out in my yard and garden! I think I'm more excited for Spring this year than any other. We moved into this house in June and I was VERY pregnant so we weren't able to get much done in the garden.

We did plant some cabbage, peppers, a few pretty things around the house and got the lawn under control. Other than that, nothing! I am SO excited to get out there. I was cleaning up a little yesterday and I plan to do more today. I just can't wait!!!

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