Please ask any questions you may have about plants, in the comments of any post or by email. I love to help people to be better gardeners. If I don't know the answer, I have lots of great resources to find it and I love to learn new things, too!

Monday, December 04, 2006


Here is the proposed schedule for our class. It may change based on the class' needs as well as time.

Week One (January 9): INTRODUCTION, NOMENCLATURE & CONTAINERS (Basics of hort, why naming is important, houseplants, outdoors, forcing---light, soil, humidity, temperature)

Week Two (January 16): BOTANY & PROPAGATION (Anatomy, life cycles, seed, cutting, division, juvenility)

Week Three (January 23): PLANT REQUIREMENTS (Light, soil, fertilizer–food vs. vitamins, climate, hardiness zones)

Week Four (January 30): PLANT MATERIAL (Perennials, annuals and woodys–uses, care, maintenance)

Week Five (February 6) : WATER WISE PLANTS (plants suitable for Utah, zeroscape versus xeriscape, plant list

Week Six (February 13): LANDSCAPING (Planning, design, drafting, installation, maintenance)

Week Seven (February 20): WEEDS, PATHOLOGY AND PESTS (Noxious, maintenance, edible, medicinal, poisonous)

Week Eight (February 27): GROWING FRUIT AND VEGETABLES (planning, planting, maintenance)

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